The essential foods in a bodybuilder's kitchen


Protein for muscle growth

 Muscle-building foods are high in protein and can be animal-based (such as meat and eggs) or plant-based (such as beans, avocado, tofu, and peanuts). Some foods that are high in protein are chicken breast, salmon, and tofu. Spread your protein throughout the day to maintain an adequate supply of amino acids needed for muscle repair and growth. Aiming for 20-30 grams of high-quality protein per meal and snack is a good guideline. It is not necessary to consume more than 2-2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. 

Carbohydrates for energy

 Your body also needs carbohydrates like whole-grain pasta or bread and healthy fats from foods like salmon, tuna and avocado to function. These foods help increase energy and physical endurance during exercise and aid in muscle recovery after a workout. Eating whole grains like brown rice and bread (a source of carbohydrates and fiber) is important to maintain energy levels throughout the day. Hormones like insulin are produced from nutrients like glucose (from carbohydrates), while certain amino acids affect muscle growth. 

Protein, carbohydrates, and fats

 Unlike proteins and fats, carbohydrates are not considered essential for human nutrition because the body is able to produce the glucose needed by tissues through gluconeogenesis. However, carbohydrate intake plays an important role in the diet of bodybuilders as a regulator of thyroid hormones and a contributor to micronutrient requirements [55. In addition, diets very low in carbohydrates may limit the regeneration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the ability of muscles to contract strongly [57. During high-intensity exercise, muscle glycogen is the main source of substrates, and glycolysis has been shown to Provides approximately 80% of the ATP required for a set of elbow flexion to failure. Nonetheless, some of the glycogen used in this type of training can be resynthesized from lactic acid, which reduces carbohydrate requirements. Resistance training has also been shown to reduce muscle glycogen by 24-40% in a single session [59. Foods high in protein are often called bodybuilding foods. They are necessary for the growth and repair of cells in our body. Milk, chicken, fish, eggs and beans are rich sources of protein. Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals.






